Defending Our Jobs

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Once again Keolis is trying to put jobs on the chopping block instead of hiring more workers. We need to make them see the importance of our training and skills. We know how to do our jobs and how to do them safely, but we need management to see that, since they don't seem to see the importance of it. To do this requires a recommitment to properly using our NFPA 70e Personal Protective Equipment. 

At all times, when working on or near equipment that is live with more than 50 volts, we all must wear proper Class 2 PPE, and maintain proper safe distances from those areas. As well as using proper Lock-out, Tag-out procedures. This means hard hats and face shields, electrical rated boots, gloves, smocks, and proper safe clearance barrier.

Free access to the complete NFPA 70e documentation with signup.



We know our work, and while we may be tempted to take shortcuts due to job time constraints and our minimal staffing levels, as well as the constant pressure to get trains moving on time, safety must be our first priority. That is our number one job, and this is a message to remind everyone of the importance of that.

Thank You

William Lynch, Recording Secretary