About Local 674

We are the IBEW Local Union 674. Our membership has been maintaining, inspecting, and repairing Boston Commuter Rail equipment for decades. The electrical work is done on over 500 pieces of Tier 1 passenger equipment, that was placed into service as far back as 1973. The task at hand involves 14 different types of locomotives and passenger coaches, all equipped with a variety of electrical systems. To keep up with demand, it takes a skilled workforce that understands the need for, and involves itself in constant training. We have to stay educated on everything from aging old equipment, to the newest locomotive technology. Our work touches on every aspect of these trains.

The membership is also responsible for maintaining dozens of facilities across the Eastern half of the state, this is done with the well certified and skilled Bridge and Building Department. We also have a Radio Repair department that gives even more depth to our trade. This is a 24/7, 365 day a year operation to try and get the commuters of New England to work on time. We do all of this and more with less than 200 people, and we do it while working with the current sub-contracted company, who is responsible for the operation of the Boston Commuter Railroad.

Now we are only electricians, and many other Commuter Rail labor unions all do their share, but this space is about us, our members, and our commitment to ensure a safe and reliable Commuter Rail.